Dogs And Fashion
Fashion can be fascinating and involves whole industries, including those that cater for dog owners. But what happens if fashion hits the dog world? Read some Q and A for some brain teasers on the subject.
Before You Adopt A Dog Or Donate, Know About Puppy Mill Rescues And Unethical Adoption PracticesAs the public has become more aware of the horrendous treatment puppy mill dogs receive, there has been an increased interest in adopting dogs from shelters or rescues rather than buying puppies at pet stores. Pet store demand for cute young puppies is one of the main reasons for the growth of the puppy mill industry. Many people are now trying to find ways to close puppy mills. The result of these trends has been to increase the adoption rate as well as increasing the desire of people to donate their time (volunteer) and/or donate money to the cause of eliminating puppy mills.
Puppy Potty Training – Simple Tricks And Tips To Help You House Train and House Break Your DogPotty training dogs is a lot easier when they’re cute little puppies. Everyone seems to have their favorite method, but these tips and tricks should help you get started on the right path.
Tips for Finding Dog Gates That Will LastI was recently asked about a feature where you don’t need to use your hands. If you arms are too full to open the gate, a foot pedal of some sort is provided. These types of gates might be on the market but I’m not familiar with them (sounds like it could be a good feature) although with this locking system on most models I feel is easy enough to open and you don’t have to worry about it coming open on its own even with a big dog inside. The fact that many fold up for easy transporting is also an advantage, you never know when you might visit someone and they don’t want your dog running all over the place. There are so many advantages to all wood or wire construction as opposed to wire gates; often they will have a sliding adjustable-width feature that makes them easily expandable to the width of your choice without using awkward hardware, hinges, latches or tools.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using an Electric Dog FenceIf you own a dog that you keep outside, then you will obviously need some way to keep it in your yard. Keeping it tied to a stake doesn’t offer a whole lot of freedom, so erecting a fence is a good idea. Instead of using a physical fence, you may want to consider using an electric dog fence.
Never Feed This To Your DogThe article emphasizes the importance of not using house food with dogs. It gives the anatomical reasons for such emphasis.
Ehrlichiosis In Dogs – Symptoms And Treatment AvailableCanine Ehrlichiosis, also called “tracker dog disease”, “canine hemorrhagic fever”, “tropical canine pancytopenia”, and “canine typhus”. It is a tick-borne infection which is caused by a rickettsial organism Ehrlichia canis.
The Most Dangerous Dog Isn’t Always The Largest DogNaturally we would think that the largest dog in the world would be the most dangerous, but it isn’t necessarily the case. Studies have shown that large dogs can be very docile and some of the biggest dogs while smaller dogs are the worst bitters.
Why Do Most Dogs Whine?Puppies whine for many various reasons but it is usually a behaviour which begins if your dog is a puppy. A whine can get them affection from his or her mother hence they may possibly test it out on his or her new owner as well. Dogs notice instantly that this will work on people, also! From that point on, you might have a puppy that whines. Here’s a look as to why dogs whine plus what you are able to do about it.
Ultrasonic Bark Control Keeps Dogs From BarkingBarking dogs driving you crazy? An Ultrasonic Bark Control Device may be the answer to your problem. It sure helped my neighbors and I.
The Best Dog Friendly Holiday CottagesEveryone likes to get away, including your pooch, and if you have decided to take your constant companion on pet friendly holidays, there are plenty of choices. Head seaside as there are some beautiful coastal cottages where you can rest your head.
Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Professional Animal Clipper ReviewGrooming is definitely an important part of being a pet owner. One of the most essential tools for grooming your pet is a good set of clippers so that you can make them more clean looking and presentable. Among the many producers of animal clippers is Oster. We will be reviewing one of their products, the Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Professional Animal Clipper.