If, Why, and How You Should Use Treats When Training Your Dog

Reduce Your Dog’s Fear With Systematic Desensitization – Dog Obedience Training

Reduce your dog’s fear with systematic desensitization. Through Classical Conditioning it is possible to systematically desensitize your dog from fear to any situation of which it may have developed an emotional fear response. A classic example in which desensitization can be examined. Dogs have been known to become afraid of cars after experiencing a traumatic experience such as a car backfiring at a close proximity.

Introduction to Positive Reinforcement – Dog Obedience Training

Positive reinforcement increases the future likelihood of the responses it follows. A response is the action performed by the dog after you have given a specific command. Take the command “sit” for example.

Knowing the Types of Dog Collars

There are various types and fits of dog collars and each has a purpose. If you’re a puppy or dog owner, it’s important for you to know which type would suit your pet best. You’d also need to learn how to measure your pet the proper way, depending on which type of collar you’ll buy. You need to know these before you go to a pet shop or prior to browsing a catalog of an online pet store. Here are the most common types of collars to help you in your purchasing.

How to Treat Your Dog’s Anxiety Induced Symptoms

Anxiety can cause a number of undesirable effects in your dog including excessive barking, chewing, and digging. Here we examine a way to help alleviate problems caused by anxiety.

A Trusting Relationship

A trusting companion is one of the best things in the world to experience. But what does it mean?

Some Interesting Details About Dog Food

Food manufacturers sometimes have problems with the statutory provisions. The rough rules of the feed law are further explained in the animal feed regulations and made understandable for practical implementation. They refer to what dog food can be used and what food cannot be used. Furthermore, the guidelines on the indication of ingredients are specified in detail.

Varied Dog Food With No Extra Effort

Whether rice, potatoes or oatmeal, meat and bones, dairy products and eggs, fruit or vegetables are served, the dog’s diet should be varied. This can be achieved without any additional costs.

Black Cocker Spaniels – Know Them Better

Some animals like dogs, cats, horses and amongst the birds pigeons are very well known for their strong interaction with human beings. They are very friendly to mankind and at the same time can understand human instructions. For example in the good olden days pigeons used to carry letters to the desired place.

Some Tips For Dog Obedience Classes

A well-behaved pet dog is certainly a blessing to its owner and his or her household. To experience the joy of owning a well-behaved and respectful dog, a dog owner should take the responsibility to implement quality dog obedience classes. Implementing the training will be challenging, especially when you have to teach puppies. Thus, tips on how to make dog obedience trainings will certainly be of great help.

Some Useful Dog Training Techniques

Once you have decided to own your pet, especially a dog, as an owner it is your responsibility to learn the correct techniques that will help you in raising your dog properly. When you are successful in teaching your dog these techniques, you will start to notice he will have developed a well-mannered attitude, and one of these ways to teach your dog is to enrol him or her in some dog obedience classes.

Canine Distemper – Distemper in Dogs

Canine distemper is one of the most dreaded, often fatal viral diseases dogs can present. It is also known as Carre’s disease. It occurs worldwide and not only among dogs. It was first detected in the 18th century. However, it was virtually eradicated then, but more cases and more cases occurred in the last ten years.

Dog Food – Food Supplements

The four-legged friends love eating dog food because this is composed in a way that fits their special taste. Dogs should also sometimes get some additional food, apart from the regular dog food that is served in their bowls daily. This can be for example a bone, a chew product made from buffalo skin or a biscuit.

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