What if your dog won’t listen without an electric collar, doesn’t like treats or lunges at things?

Dog Kidney Failure – Know the Causes, Symptoms and How to Help

Dog kidney failure is caused by a collection of abnormalities arising from the defective transport of water, sodium, potassium, glucose, phosphate, bicarbonate and amino acids from the kidneys. Dog kidney disease is quite uncommon, but it can definitely happen.

Calcium Deficiency in Dogs – Know the Symptoms So You Can Act

Calcium is not only an essential mineral for humans, but is essential for dogs as well. Calcium deficiency in dogs can lead to hip dysplasia, stunted growth, weakened muscles and more. Know the symptoms and how to help.

Using a Puppy Milk Replacer to Sustain Newborn Puppy Health

Mother’s milk is an extremely important factor in puppy health. In the unfortunate circumstance that a puppy is rejected or taken from his mother too early, it is essential that proper nutrition be given in the form of a puppy milk replacer.

How to Effectively Combat Canine Kidney Disease

Our canine companions can come down with an array of health-related difficulties; including canine kidney disease. Help prevent and combat this disease with these suggestions.

The Basics of Canine Parasites: How to Detect, Diagnose and Treat

Canine parasites is probably not something you worry about all that often. Parasitic fungal infections that affect the skin, hair and/or nails is referred to as dermatophytosis; ringworm is one of these parasitic infections that occur in dogs, cats and other mammals. The usual symptom of ringworm is a round, hairless lesion.

How Do I Stop My Pitbull Stealing Food From The Table?

Nothing is more irritating than placing a dish of food down, failing to remember to protect it, and returning to discover that your pet helps themselves to a late morning snack. Not just are you currently out of a meal, but your pet dog is receiving food items that aren’t great for his digestive system. As owners, this may seem like a simple issue to correct. Most dogs shouldn’t try to swipe from us, correct? We’re in charge. They’re pet dog, and this is our home. But, in reality, on the subject of food, quite a few dogs glaze over and change into brainless zombies. For that reason, it really is our obligation as owners to help them learn the essential borders (and repercussions) when it concerns foods on counter tops and kitchen tables.

Canine Depression – Why Your Dog Needs a Social Life Too!

As much as we would like to think we could fill each and every of our puppy or dog’s needs, we simply can’t and don’t. To be well-adjusted, physically and mentally happy, our dogs need other dogs.

Will a Male or Female Chihuahua Make a Better Pet?

There is much discussion that goes into this debate, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Personally, I have owned both sexes, and while there are certain trends with each, it would be unfair to say that one sex is “better” than the other. It is important to evaluate each animal on its own merit. However, let’s take a look at some generalized facts that have been formulated on both male and female Chihuahuas over time.

Where to Find a Good Chihuahua Breeder and What to Look For

Many people have had bad experiences with finding Chihuahua puppies, which is why pages like this are important. We will attempt to give you some guidance and help you determine whether a breeder you are considering is reputable, and how to find them to begin with.

Nice to Meet You: Train Your Chihuahua to Shake!

A classic tricks to train a dog is to “shake hands” and it is exponentially cuter when the paw being offered is a tiny Chihuahua paw. Your little canine can learn to Shake very easily and introducing him to your friends will have them all saying “awwww!”

Arden Grange Dog Food Provides A Complete Nutritional Solution To All Your Pets Needs

A poor diet can leave your dog feeling run down and tired, as well as prone to infections and ailments. Furthermore, even if it has the best nutritional value, if a dog does not enjoy its meal every day then it will soon lose interest. It is also important to bear in mind that poor digestion reduces your dog’s ability to absorb any goodness in the dog food and can lead to dehydration and illness.

A Safety Priority for Your Canine Buddy Is the Use of a Dog Crate

For many dog owners their dog is an important member of the family. A family unit’s priority is safety for all members. Therefore, crate training is a safety consideration for your canine family member.

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